Spring Peas and Carrots Risotto

Before I get to the recipe... I just wanted to remind you that it's teacher and nurse appreciation week. Don't forget to thank the teachers and nurses in your life for all the good they do. 
Okay, here we go...

Risotto is one of those dishes that people complain about being long and tedious to make. Though I have made risotto many times before, I still get this notion stuck in my head. The other day I was chatting on the phone with a girlfriend who was busy with her baby and 5 year old and mentioned she was "just" making risotto for dinner since it was a busy day. She reminded me that homemade risotto really is a one-dish dinner that can be made in 30 minutes - not bad! It's easy too... it's all about stirring broth into the rice until it's nice and thick. Precise measurements aren't necessary, just keep adding that liquid! You can always use any veggies you have in your fridge, but peas and carrots are in season and a favorite kid combination. 

But just to keep things real... 
You will need to stay nearby the stove for those 30 minutes of cook time. ^My floor looked like this at the end of it. Totally worth it for homemade risotto if you ask me. 

 Did you know... peas are high in protein and when combined with rice provide a complete protein (all amino acids present).

Read more and get the recipe after the jump! 

Description: Spring Peas and Carrots Risotto
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: Imam Baihaqi
On: 11:39 AM