My Obsession With Globes...I Think I Need An Intervention!

Ever since I was a child I've been in love with globes.  I remember going to the library at school and sitting in front of the globe staring at all the different countries and dreaming about where I wanted to go.  I would spin the globe and then point my finger on a spot to make it stop spinning.  I couldn't wait to see where the globe was taking me.  As far back as I can remember I've had a love of travel.  It's something we love to do as a family now.  Hunter is a globe and travel lover as well.  As soon as we get back from a trip somewhere he asks when we are leaving for our next vacation.   For night lights in room I use two light up globes I was able to find at Goodwill within a month of each other.  

I started collecting globes last year.  It started innocently....I bought my first globe at our local flea market.  Then I just couldn't stop!  I'd come across a globe at Goodwill, a tag sale or online and if it was unique or a great price I would buy it.  My collection wasn't out of control at that point.....I only had 15 globes.  The Hubby had told me, "Please NO more globes!" when I found a couple right before Christmas on Etsy.  I listened and didn't buy them. 

This last week Hubby was away on a business trip when I just happened to come across the Holy Grail of all globe collections being sold on Craigslist!  12 globes for $60!!!!  I saw the pictures on the posting and my heart started to beat faster in my chest, my palms got all sweaty and I couldn't stop thinking about these incredible globes!!  I made myself a note to call the next morning to see if they were still available.  I was nervous because the ad was a month old.  I figured my chances were slim to none!  When I phoned and spoke to the owner of the globes I was overjoyed to hear they were still for sale!  She was thrilled to hear I was a globe collector and told me the story of her Son, who is now in college, and how he loved globes when he was younger.  These were his collection, but he was no longer interested in them anymore.  He decided to part with them and now they're mine....all mine!  :-)

I know not most people have such an obsession, or love for an inanimate object like globes.  I'm hoping that after this  reading post and seeing the pictures of my globe collection you'll want to start one too.  Or maybe just buy one to add to your home.  

Here are the globes I purchased from Craigslist yesterday.  I put them in a group on my dining room table before I found places for all of them.  What I should have done was take a picture of my face when I saw them all set out there and realized I had to find space for them!

The globe in the back row, middle is a light up globe.  I told Hunter he couldn't have this's MINE!  

I already had a couple of 8 inch globe banks, but I had never come across any these small.  I think their about 6 inches in height.  I love the colors and the patina.

This one  has the seasons, the months for each season and the zodiac signs all along the base.

 I love the colors on this one and how it moves.

This one  has the planets along the base and tilts on an axis.

You can't tell in the picture, but this a 12 inch relief globe.  This one tilts and moves around on the axis.  For those of you out there that aren't globe or topography fanatics, relief is the raised part where the mountains, etc are.  Basically it's bumpy :-)

This one is from the 1950's.  It's a magnetic air race globe from a game.  I'm now on the hunt for the game pieces!  The game pieces are little magnetized airplanes.  There's a  spinner at the base of the globe.  

This is one of my favorites.  It has a wooden base and a light inside attached to a switch to turn it on and off.  When its lit the whole globe glows a gorgeous turquoise blue.  Hunter already has two of these in his bedroom for night lights and I've been wanting to steal one for awhile.  Now I don't have to!

This is the globe lit up.  It looks incredible in the dark.  I wanted to put it in our master bedroom, but the Hubby said No.  That just doesn't seem fair!  

This is probably my favorite 'globe' ever.  It's a mechanical toy more than a globe.  You turn it over and wind it up underneath, then when you move the lever on the side, the planes move around the earth.  Hunter fell in love with this one too and asked if he could have it....Nope sorry remember these are MINE!  I know I sound like a 2 year old, but I don't care!  

This is the base of the globe toy.  I adore the colors and illustrations of the kids in rocket ships and planes.

I managed to find a place for everyone of my globes.  It meant I had to move some other stuff and put my vintage film projector back in it's box for now, but I love how they look.  The biggest challenge was the fact I already had 15 globes and they were taking up a lot of space!  Adding in 12 more proved to be a lot harder than I thought.  The Hubby said it's a bit overwhelming having so many out.....I told him it's important to keep the globes somewhat together as a collection.  I'm don't think he gets it!  

These are in my dining room on my vintage card catalog cabinet. 

Poor little lonely globe all by itself, but I like the look of the vintage trophies with the globe.  The globe has a cool base that holds a book about the earth. 

 This is one of my most favorite pieces of furniture in my house, a vintage stacking filing and card catalog cabinet which is in my living room.  It's great for storing all my craft supplies!

I had to put a few in my family room.  The Hubby didn't love the fact that they were sort of blocking his new TV.  I didn't listen obviously....he knows me well enough to know it's a losing battle.

The bigger globe on the left I got last week at Goodwill for $6.  It's the oldest one I have and its from 1945 from what we can tell.  It has amazing patina.

All three of these globes are banks.  Now I guess I should start using them to save up for more globes!  

 This is in my dining room and another one of my favorite estate sale finds, an old mail sorter.  I love how the globes look top of it.  On the buffet you can see my light-up globe.

Anyone who is reading this probably thinks I need to go to globe collectors anonymous.  If there's such a thing, please forward me the information because I do have a bit of an obsession that might require some help.  The Hubby has put his foot down and told me yesterday the only way I can buy another globe is to get rid of one I have.  Basically I'm not allowed to go over 27 globes.  I think that's a fair compromise, don't you?  I have to admit that when I had to find a place for them all last night I was questioning my sanity, but now that they all have a special place I know I made the right decision.  This is not our forever home and I already have a plan for where they go in my next house!  

I hope I helped you gain an appreciation for everything globe.  If you have a globe collection I'd love to see a picture and hear about your collection!

Thank you for reading,

Description: My Obsession With Globes...I Think I Need An Intervention!
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: Imam Baihaqi
On: 9:42 AM