Hot Pink Vanity

WOW, I just realized it's been two months since I last wrote a post.  Sometimes life starts to happen and it's hard to keep up and that's exactly what happened to me.  Stress got in the way, as well as the weather, which meant no time or motivation to blog or paint.  I had officially reached burn out status around the middle of November.  I took on too much too fast and then realized I had to scale back in order to have a more balanced life.  I'm the kind of person who goes all out until they can't go anymore and that's what happened to me.  Even though my sweet Hubby told me many times to slow down....I couldn't or rather I didn't.  I kept going until one day I was sick with bronchitis and couldn't paint or work on anything.  That's when I realized it was time to slow down and balance my life.  I had forgotten about things like family and friends and ME.  Now I'm balancing my life and not letting my passions take over my life.  I feel better and I'm still trying to find that perfect balance, but it's getting there.  I took a lovely two week vacation to a warm place with Hunter and Steve for the holidays, which was just what I needed.  While we were away I was able to recharge my batteries and get back some motivation and passion for painting again.  Don't get me wrong, I wasn't sitting around not doing anything I did lots of other things instead.  I made wreaths, buntings and painted a little.  Now I feel like I'm ready to start another small painting project!

Now enough of the excuses I need to share something fun with you!!  A wonderful friend asked me recently if I had any vanities I could redo for her Granddaughter and right away I knew the one I had would be perfect.  They chose the paint color and the fabric for the stool so all I had to do was get started.  For some reason this project scared me!!  Biggest reason?  All I could see was hot pink semi-gloss paint.  I had never painted anything hot pink and wasn't sure if this was going to look like a huge piece of bubble gum.  Once I purchased the paint at Home Depot and the fabric arrived from Hobby Lobby I was still on the fence.  Once the first coat was on I could see it was going to be perfect for a little girl.    I can still remember my room when I was six it was hot pink with orange and hot pink flower wallpaper!  I loved that room.

Here is the before picture of the vanity.  I bought this in the summer from an estate sale.  I don't have a before picture of the stool.

Love the curves of the front and the curvy legs!

The top was needing a ton of TLC.

Normally I'm really good at taking some 'in progress pictures' this time I don't have any.  It was the first time I had painted in my living room and I was cramped for space and wasn't really thinking about taking pictures.  

This is the finished product.  I apologize for the crummy pictures, but I finished this in the middle of December right before we went on vacation.  I took the pictures at night because it was the only moment I had to do it.  Plus I didn't want to risk moving this outside and having it get scratched or chipped!

The paint color is Valspar and it's called Springtime Bloom.  The fabric on the stool is from Hobby Lobby and the knobs I purchased in the summer from Michael's.

LOVE these knobs!!

My absolute favorite thing I've ever done on any piece of furniture are these drawers.  A few weeks before I started this project I purchased a really cute children's book from an estate sale about life in a pond.  I took several pages from the book and cut out some parts of the book and some pictures and glued them onto all the drawer bottoms with Mod Podge.  Then gave each one three coats of Mod Podge to seal it all up. 

I'm going to be doing a lot more of this.  Adore the effect, especially for a kids room!

My friend's Daughter picked out the fabric and the paint color.  I think she did a wonderful  job!  Love all the colors and how they compliment each other.

I'm so thrilled with how this vanity and stool turned out.  The best part was seeing a picture of my friend's Granddaughter using the vanity and wearing a huge smile on her face!  All the planning, sanding and hot pink dust were more than worth it.

I'm hoping I will get some more projects going that I can share with you instead of taking a two month break.  Thank you for following me on this journey and for all the kind emails I've received from many of my followers over the last year.  OH and it's my one year blog anniversary in a few weeks!!!  I think I need to do something special to celebrate :-)

Thank you for reading,

Description: Hot Pink Vanity
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: Imam Baihaqi
On: 5:43 PM