Creamy Yellow Empire Dressers

In July I redid a dresser I'd found at a tag sale.  I wrote post on it and then one of my readers messaged me to say this style of dresser was called Empire Creamy Butter Yellow Dresser.  I love it when I learn something new about furniture!  I'm not the best at knowing all the names of the styles so this was a huge help.  I love Empire style furniture and yet I don't own a single piece!  I came across two Empire style pieces on one of the local Facebook tag sale sites I follow.  The Hubby, Hunter and I went to pick up the first one and when I saw it I was thrilled.  Even nicer in person!  The nice lady who was selling them let us make two trips since we couldn't fit both pieces in my small SUV.....bonus!

After I got home and realized I had accumulated quite a few dressers I knew it was time to part with some.  I posted on my favorite Facebook tag sale sites that I had a lot of dressers available for custom work and within a week they were all spoken for.  One person fell in love with the two empire dressers asked me to refurbish them for her master bedroom.  She came over, had a look at them and then decided she wanted the same Cream paint and finish I had used on the Creamy Butter Yellow Dresser.  She had wanted to purchase the dresser when I had it listed, but didn't get to it in time.  It was nice that she knew exactly what she wanted.

Here are the dressers before.

I just love the shape.  All the curves!  They definitely needed some TLC.

The shorter dresser had me fooled!  I thought for sure it was tiger oak.  I took removed some paint from the front and it was just faux painted to look like tiger oak.

I'm laughing as I look at this picture.  This is an average day at my house.  Drawers and dressers sitting in the sun!

Since it was already determined the dresser was going to be painted cream it was easy to get to work.  I did my usual pull out all the drawers and clean everything and that's when I realized this was going to be a bit more work than I had bargained for.  Just due to the age of the piece the drawers, and I mean all 10, needed to be glued and clamped.  Some needed a bit more repair work so that took me awhile.  I enjoy fixing these old pieces, but it takes me a little longer.

I decided to shellac both dressers inside and out.  Reason being if I didn't the stain would bleed through the paint.  I've mentioned before about certain stains that were used in the 30's and 40's bleed through paint.  I learned the hard way and now I just know to shellac the whole piece.  It's actually one of my favorite parts.  The shellac goes on really quickly, dries fast and smells good.  Then the whole piece is sealed and fresh.  If the piece has any smells it also helps to block those as well.

I started with the tops this time.  I wanted to do extra coats on the top of each dresser.  What I've been doing when I paint a dresser top is in between coats I take 600-800 grit sandpaper and in a circular motion I sand the paint to make it very smooth and compressed.  I like how it looks and feels after all the painting and wax are done.  It does take a bit more time, but the end product is worth the extra work.

Here are few pictures of what the drawers looks like after they've had a coat of shellac and a light sanding.

After 3 coats of paint on the top, and 2 coats on the base I was ready for the wax.  One clear coat of wax and one dark.  The top actually has an extra coat of dark wax.  I wanted to make sure the texture came through and it needed a bit of extra wax.  I let the wax sit for 24 hours to cure then I buffed and  added on the third coat.  It wasn't a full third coat, but here and there it needed a bit more wax to add some definition.

I didn't get a lot of progress pictures during the waxing process.  I find when I'm waxing it's hard to stop and take pictures a long the way.

Here they are....and WOW what a difference!!!

I had originally picked out different hardware for these dressers.  However, when it came time to put the hardware on I realized they weren't working.  I was thrilled when I realized I had these knobs sitting in my bin from Hobby Lobby.  They're perfect!!  They're a dark grayish glass with a vintage feel and I think they're my favorite drawer hardware ever.  I need a trip to Hobby Lobby for more!

I'm in love with any dresser that has side slats like these!!  They give the piece so much character.

Aren't those knobs incredible?!

My favorite details on the tall dresser are the small drawers on the top....oh and I can't forget the key holes!

Will you just look at those curves?!

This just makes me smile from ear to ear.  These are the characteristics that set these antique pieces apart from new pieces....detailing, character and amazing craftsmanship!

This was a fun journey working on these old dressers.  I'm happy they have a new home and can enjoy another 80 years of life.  Old, vintage, antique furniture and home decor are my passions.  I should change my blog name to my obsession for decor.  I think and dream about furniture and home decor 24/7.  This is what I love doing and I feel privileged that I had the opportunity to give these dressers new life.  Every time a piece of furniture leaves for a new home I get a little sad, however I know they're going to a great home which does make me happy.  OK, now I sound a little crazy!!  I'm not talking about a puppy here just a piece of furniture!

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this.  I love doing the blog, but I'm finding I have less and less time to write and edit pictures.  I'm determined to keep it going and have a few posts that I'm working on right now.  As long as there's furniture to write about and I can find the time I will write the blog.  So for the're stuck with me :-)

Have a wonderful week!!


Description: Creamy Yellow Empire Dressers
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: Imam Baihaqi
On: 6:36 AM