Superfoods, Skinny Tips, & a Lululemon Giveaway

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Ready to kickstart your healthy diet and fitness routine? Me too. 
I'm not big on New Year's resolutions, but I do appreciate that January marks
a fresh start. The holidays are filled with sweets, treats, and bubbly. By the end of December I'm craving fresh fresh food and feeling ready to eat cleanly and detox from the holidays. This satisfying winter salad is filled with detox superfoods to get the year started right. Each and every ingredient in this salad is a nutritional powerhouse filled with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Isn't that beautiful? Tangerines are perfect right now. Pomegranates are still available. Their sweet bite will lure any broccoli-hater.We have avocados year-round here in Southern California. You?
The key to a great salad the whole family will love is including a variety of colors and textures as well as flavors.

Winter Detox Superfoods Salad
serves 4
1 small bunch broccoli, raw or quickly blanched 
2 tangerines, peeled and segments separated, plus 1 for dressing
1 pomegranate, seeded
1/4 cup shaved or thinly sliced fennel
1 avocado, sliced
1/4 cup walnut pieces
extra virgin olive oil 

Toss first 6 ingredients together in a medium bowl. Drizzle olive oil and juice of one tangerine over salad. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 

Skinny Mummy Secrets
Here are a few diet and fitness tricks that have worked for me. I think they will work for you too. 
  • Do schedule exercise at least 4 days per week.  It's too easy to find an excuse if it's not written down on the calendar. 
  • Don't make excuses. Kids? Push them in the stroller. No time? Do a pilates video before bed.
  • Don't "un-do" your workout with overindulging. Burning 300 calories on the elliptical does not mean you should eat a 450 calorie chocolate chip cookie from Starbucks. Bummer, I know.
  • Do skip sugary drinks. Drink lots of water. Use stevia or agave syrup if you need a sweetener.
  • Do have several go-to healthy recipes that are faster than getting take-out that you can use with any seasonal produce. I'll share mine later :)
  • Don't diet, count calories, or "points." Really! Just eat real foods. The less packaging the better.
  • Do eat good fats. Olive oil, nuts, avocado are not going to make you fat.
  • Do fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables and lean protein. I feel much better when I have a salad instead of a sandwich for lunch.
  • Do keep a bag of trail mix in your purse. 
  • Don't buy desserts. If you want it, make it yourself.
  • Do realize exercise can be a special time you devote to yourself. Enjoy it.  
  • Do have low-cal snacks on hand for when late-night munchies strike. Mine include popcorn and herbal tea.  
  • Do know good mommies are healthy and happy mommies and take care of yourself.
  • Do get yourself some cute workout clothes. It makes working out more fun! 
Yummy Mummy Fitness Fashion
shirts: Never Give Up from             pants and run skirt: Lululemon

Remember when I ran that half marathon with TeamGSF in November? Well you, my readers, friends and family, amazed me with your generosity in donating to TheGSF. Together we raised over $1,500 to end SMA, the #1 genetic killer of infants. TeamGSF collectively raised over $50,000 while training for the Santa Barbara Marathon!!! Isn't that amazing!?

I wanted to thank you. And get you motivated to be your healthiest in 2012. So I'm giving away a $50 gift card to my favorite store: Lululemon. I live in Lulu and my Never Give Up shirt because they are so cute and comfortable. They go from the gym to errands to playdates. Gone are the days of workout clothes looking like... workout clothes! 

How to enter:
  • Please be a follower of through GFC or Google+ and leave a comment. 
You can earn up to 2 more entries just by sharing the love!
  1. Tweet about this giveaway. You can find me at @yummymummyblog  (leave comment on blog)
  2. Follow me on Facebook and share with your friends (leave comment on blog)
A winner will be chosen via random number generator on 1/12/12.

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    Description: Superfoods, Skinny Tips, & a Lululemon Giveaway
    Rating: 4.5
    Reviewed by: Imam Baihaqi
    On: 3:23 PM